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Appealing A Long-Term Disability Denial?

When you file a long-term disability claim, the insurance company will expect to see evidence of a severe, long-term disability that prevents you from working. You may have worked for the same employee for years, paying premiums for LTD insurance. But when your claim is denied or unfairly limited, it can be devastating. Springfield MA Car Accident Lawyer explores some common reasons why LTD insurers deny legitimate claims and what can be done about them if they happen to do so in your case too often or in an unfair manner.

You may have worked for the same employee for years, paying premiums for long-term disability (LTD) insurance. A long-term disability insurance policy is a valuable tool for protecting you and your family. However, not all policies are created equal. If you’ve been denied LTD coverage in the past, Springfield MA Car Accident Lawyer knows it may be time to file an appeal with your insurer to see if there was any wrongdoing on their part.

Filing Appeal

If you were denied after working at the same company for years and paying premiums through payroll deduction or direct deposit each month, then this could be evidence that they were discriminating against you based on your race or gender (which would also constitute unlawful employment practices). Springfield MA Car Accident Lawyer says you might also want to consider filing complaints against other employers who have fired employees after receiving medical benefits from their former employers because they were unable to work due to illness or injury—and who then refused those employees access again when those same conditions arose again later down the road.

Request for Evidence From Insurance Company

When you file a claim, the insurance company will expect to see evidence of a severe, long-term disability that prevents you from working. Inability to work is the key factor in a disability claim. Your doctor can provide this information by providing medical records and/or letters from other doctors confirming your condition.

It's important for insurance companies and their agents (the people who are processing your claim) to understand what qualifies as "insufficient gainful activity" or "SGA" because it determines how much they pay out on their claims.

When LTD insurers deny legitimate claims

 It's not uncommon for LTD insurers to deny legitimate claims. In fact, an estimated 25% of all disability insurance claims are denied altogether. The good news is that if your claim has been denied and you want to appeal it, there are steps you can take. Springfield MA Car Accident Lawyer knows that you may have a legitimate reason for appealing the decision by your LTD insurer; in many cases, this will mean simply taking on more information or reaching out directly to them with additional documentation (such as medical records).

If all else fails and they still refuse your appeal request—or if their decision seems unreasonable—you could consider filing a lawsuit against them in small claims court instead (this option would likely cost more than hiring legal representation).

 Claim Denied

If your claim is denied, you can request a review by the insurance company. You have 180 days to do so. The only way to get this review is if you act within 180 days of receiving the denial notice (and it's important that you act quickly).

Hiring Expert in The Field

If you are appealing your long-term disability denial, it is important to work with an experienced attorney. Your best chance of getting the result you want is to hire a lawyer who knows how to appeal a disability claim and has experience doing so in court. For more information visit Our Website